How does solar work?

Solar panels are made of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight to direct current electricity (DC electricity). As long as the sun ray’s are making contact with your roof, your panels are converting solar radiation into DC electricity.

How many solar panels will my home need?

Every household is going to be different depending on a number of factors. That’s why our solar experts are here to help you sort through all the technical stuff.

How long do solar panels last?

Studies have proven solar panels can last anywhere between 25 to 30 years — or sometimes more.

What happens at a solar installation?

Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Site Assessment
    A technician will visit you in your home to confirm your system design, verify measurements, and account for shade and obstructions on your roof.

  2. Design Approval
    Following site evaluation, our solar design experts will make any necessary adjustments to your original home solar system design and email you for final approval.

  3. Permitting
    Once you give the green light, we’ll submit your design to the city for permitting. The timing now depends on how quickly local government works and can take up to eight weeks.

  4. Solar Installation
    After your permit is granted, we’ll get to work placing those gorgeous new panels on your roof! Sunrun or one of our local certified partners will be performing your solar installation. We only partner with the very best installers in your area, so you can rest assured knowing you’ll have the highest quality solar installation available.

  5. City/County Inspections
    When construction is finished, the city or county will do a final inspection before your system can be connected to the grid.

  6. Utility Interconnection
    Now you’re in the home stretch. We’ll submit your documents to the utility company and they’ll install a net meter allowing Sunrun to track how much solar electricity you produce and use.

  7. Power Up and Start Saving
    When the utility company grants Permission to Operate, that means you’re free to flip the switch and start generating clean, affordable, money-saving energy right from your roof. Congratulations, you’re ready to soak up savings from the sun.

What is net metering and how does it work?

A practice in which utilities credit you for the excess electricity generated by your solar panels. When excess electricity is produced by your solar system, it is sent back to the grid and the electric company must buy that energy from you.

Will I still receive an electric bill?

You'll still receive a monthly bill for taxes and fees associated with being connected to the utility grid. Also, if your household uses more electricity than produced by your solar system you may still receive a bill from your Utility for the additional power needed from the grid.